Exclusive eBOOK: 131 sensual images + essays
• high-resolution digital version (EN + PL)
• access to private contact
• essays about me
• you will join an exclusive list of patrons
• extra surprise (video)...
The day has finally come that I can share with you the sweet fruits of my labor and the telltale secrets of my camera lens. It’s been a labor of love, a project into which I have given my all - my time, my dedication, my passion and, above all else, my heart and soul. This is a rare journey. It’s a voyage of discovery into my secret world. You will see a glorious collection of my photographs, all created within the past 12 months. I will tease you with juicy, mouth-watering cherries. You will discover the secrets behind my photoshoots. My big weakness for hosiery will be there for all to see. And I will confess to you exactly what drives me crazy. So come and join me on my voyage of discovery…
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[PL] Nadszedł dzień, w którym nareszcie mogę podzielić się z Tobą słodkimi owocami mojej pracy. Pracy, w którą włożyłam nie tylko mnóstwo czasu, ale przede wszystkim serca i pasji. Zabieram Cię w ekscytującą podróż do mojego świata. Odkryję przed Tobą obszerną kolekcję ujęć, stworzonych w sekrecie na przestrzeni ostatniego roku. Poczęstuję Cię soczystymi czereśniami, zdradzę jak powstają moje sesje, opowiem o słabości do pończoch i wyznam, co pochłania mnie do szaleństwa.
'The Art of Femininity' by Ariadna contains 131 high-quality & high-resolution images + a set of personal texts
♥ 2 PDF format eBook: English and Polish version
♥ Access to private contact
♥ Essays about me
♥ You will join an exclusive list of patrons
♥ Extra surprise (video)...
You buy a digital copy. I will send you via email a digital version, which you will receive immediately after placing your order.
You will discover a little piece of my soul. You will find out how I create my photographs, find out why I like nylons, and get a glimpse into my private life. I will surprise you!
You can pay via PayPal or card. If you have problems, please contact me via storearimaj@gmail.com to set up a bank transfer.
Contact: storearimaj@gmail.com
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I will try my best to help you :)
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